On the advisories of like-minded peoples, we detoured through this little dry and dusty townette just to see the Salvador Dali Museum. Set in the locale of his birth and death, I believe, the egg-lined castlesque walls outside and snaking line of panting tourists belied the ho hum dredge inside, to be frank. We had both heard much about this museum and naturally added it to the list without the most remote consideration for our indifference towards the man's work... I respect him thoroughly, don't get me wrong. And I dearly embrace his persona and life. In fact, as we sauntered through rooms of sketches and second rate pieces (the most famed paintings are not here, but in museums and private collections), we yearned simply for photographs and personal effects and videos of the self -proclaimed King of Surrealism. However, the Mae West room of her face was striking and the whole enterprise puts this little village forever on the map. Done and done.

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