NO JOKIN' MATTER! After a few dizzying mojitos on some cliff-shack of a bar overlooking the sea, I got what I thought was #13,487 in a long line of mosquito bites. Instead, when we returned to the hotel room, it swelled up like a bad balloon and got wicked burning hot. Yick. I surmised a probable spider bite until raving delirium set in and I knew nothing but how to stutter and agonize! The red "area" spread all over my leg and I burst into a rabid fever and my face grew tight and sweaty like a mask? Total. Spider. Poison. Jenny was on the verge of taking me to El Hospital, but the fever and bite subsided after a mere two hours of tense uncertainty and paranoia. 'Ware the vicious underbar table spiders on the Isle of Formentera, Lassie! Woooooh, spooky.
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