Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ii La Guapa Picante Y La Picantita Picante !!

Our new aliases above were partially gleaned from an amalgamation of catcalls mixed with observations of local couple behavior in delicate tourist mode. The man would pose against a scenic backdrop, whilst the girlfriend would crouch down from all sorts of most-flattering angles, photographing him with a point-and-shoot cheapee and exclaiming, "Ooooh, Guaaapo!" (oh, handsome!) Sometimes the girl would get a quick chance to pose at the end for one, if she was lucky and as Guapo, one might assume. Here, Guapa Picante and I try to imitate the local motion with flair and grace, naturallly.

NO JOKIN' MATTER! After a few dizzying mojitos on some cliff-shack of a bar overlooking the sea, I got what I thought was #13,487 in a long line of mosquito bites. Instead, when we returned to the hotel room, it swelled up like a bad balloon and got wicked burning hot. Yick. I surmised a probable spider bite until raving delirium set in and I knew nothing but how to stutter and agonize! The red "area" spread all over my leg and I burst into a rabid fever and my face grew tight and sweaty like a mask? Total. Spider. Poison. Jenny was on the verge of taking me to El Hospital, but the fever and bite subsided after a mere two hours of tense uncertainty and paranoia. 'Ware the vicious underbar table spiders on the Isle of Formentera, Lassie! Woooooh, spooky.

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